What’s Finding Real Friends?

Dear Reader, 

Real friendship is waiting for you!

Finding Real Friends is dedicated to everyone in the world seeking true friendship, as well as to all our amazing friends who have made our lives extraordinary and fulfilling!

This multi-authored book aims to offer hope to young adults searching for genuine, unconditional friendships. Given today’s rising mental health challenges, we hope this book will provide inspiration and strength. 

I asked each of my contributing authors this question: “Imagine a young adult walking into a bookstore and opening this book. What story would you like to share with them about finding real friends?” 

Each chapter is a standalone short story, either fiction or nonfiction, capturing the magic and wisdom of unconditional friendship—filled with love, trust, and laugh-out-loud moments!

Fictional stories will be noted, giving each author the freedom and creativity to share their experiences or insights on true friendship in their own unique style.

Enjoy our book!

With Love,

Chu M. Tang